CASEWV crews service Mercer, Monroe, Raleigh, and Summers counties with efficient weatherization improvements. Low income persons often spend 3 times the national average for energy, and the weatherization program invests in homes to alleviate the energy consumption burden of the area. Weatherization is a partnership between the Weatherization program and the client. Clients will be educated in the proper maintenance of installed Weatherization materials and how this maintenance affects comfort and energy consumption
What is Weatherization?
The Weatherization Assistance Program is designed to help low-income families (elderly and disabled are first priority) to conserve energy and make their homes safer. To be eligible, your dwelling unit must be structurally adaptable for Weatherization materials and the family income must be at or below 200% of the poverty guidelines.
Here are our income eligibility guidelines:
Size of Family Unit | 60% SMI DHHR Monthly |
60% SMI DHHR Annually |
200% WX Monthly | 200% WX Annually |
1 | $2,186 | $26,232 | $2,510 | $30,120 |
2 | $2,859 | $34,308 | $3,407 | $40,880 |
3 | $3,532 | $42,384 | $4,303 | $51,640 |
4 | $4,205 | $50,460 | $5,200 | $62,400 |
5 | $4,877 | $58,524 | $6,097 | $73,160 |
6 | $5,550 | $66,600 | $6,993 | $83,920 |
7 | $5,678 | $68,136 | $7,890 | $94,680 |
8 | $6,320 | $75,840 | $8,787 | $105,440 |
9 | $6,963 | $83,556 | $9,863 | $118,360 |
10 | $7,605 | $91,260 | $10,650 | $127,800 |

The Emergency Repair
or Replacement Program
The Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR) Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program allows CASEWV Weatherization Assistance Program to administer the Emergency Repair or Replacement (ERRP). This program is designed to aid households in need of heating, repair or replacement of malfunction or non-operable heating units. Must be within the income guidelines of 60% of the SMI. Households must have one of the following to qualify for this service.
1.) Someone 60 years of age or older.
2.) Someone disabled by the Social Security Administration.
3.) A child age 5 or less.
ERRP Pre/Post Inspector
John Lewis
We test for carbon monoxide, detect gas leaks, inspect pipes, chimneys and vent pipes. We also check for proper clearances, test drafts, clean furnaces and repair ducts, replace floor registers and furnace filters, when necessary.
o Attics-R-49 Batts or cellulose, with restrictions.
o Walls-R-11 Batts or dense pack, with restrictions.
o Floors-R-11 or R-19 Batts, with restrictions.
o Ceiling-Blow Fiberglass.
o Floor (belly)-Blow Fiberglass
o Repair holes—in floors, ceilings, windows, and doors by repairing or replacing.
o Insulate water heaters and pipes.
o Metering Refrigerators
o NEAT & MHEA Home Energy Audits
o All homes are weatherized to NEAT & MHEA Work Order.
o Pre and post blower-door testing
o Pressure testing air barriers
o Duct air-tightness testing
o Duct induced room pressure testing

Tips to Save Energy in Your Home
1. Install a programmable thermostat that is compatible with your heating and cooling system.
2. Use compact fluorescent light bulbs.
3. Air dry dishes instead of using dishwasher's drying cycle.
4. Turn off your computer and monitor when not in use.
5. Plug home electronics, such as TV's and DVD players, into power strips; turn the power strips off when the equipment in not is use (TVs and DVD players in standby mode still use several watts of power.)
6. Lower the thermostat on your hot water heater to 120' F.
7. Take short showers instead of baths.
8. Wash only full loads of dishes and clothes.
9. Look for ENERGY STAR label on home appliances and products. ENERGY STAR products meet strict efficiency guidelines set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy.
Contact Weatherization
Kimberly Bourne –Program Coordinator/Manager 304-809-3053
355 Bluefield Ave.
Bluefield WV 24701
Tammy Byers - for application 304-809-3055